Hany Elgamal founded Kotob w Hagaat in order to achieve his dream to cultivate people’s minds and provide channels for youth to be more aware of their literary heritage. Kotob w Hagat ( “Books & Stuff”) is a mini public library at Ard El Busary, near Dar El Salam- an area highly deprived from social and cultural activities. The place holds different cultural activities, such as musical events, seminars, and film and documentary screenings. Also in exchange of a nominal rental fee, people are able to borrow books.
Books in Cairo are available to buy or borrow at many outlets, however, they still remain expensive and unaffordable to most people. There are also few cultural spaces to freely discuss, analyze and criticize what people usually read. This library with its multidisciplinary services offers a broad range of opportunities to youth, and provides to Egypt a glimpse of creativity and hope. The aim is to revive eager spirits, and spirituality, for better thoughts.
Elgamal hopes to see Kotob w Hagat replicated in different districts by other people in Egypt through variable visions and perspectives.