George Zeidan is the community leader of Right to Movement, which is trying to bring awareness of the Palestinian inability to move freely within the country, the limitations imposed on Palestinians such as the separation wall, the settlements, checkpoints, and others. In addition, the fact that Palestinian women do not have the ability to move freely and do what they like to do whether, dancing, singing or running. Through various physical activities such as running we want to encourage youth and women to explore Palestine and challenge those limitations by defying the existing structure and help raise awareness regarding these issues. Through this movement, a proper atmosphere is created for the Palestinian people particularly for women to feel welcome and be able to practice running. In the Palestinian community women usually don’t have space to join any kind of running practices in public and this movement helps provide this space.
The movement has been organizing free training in three Palestinian cities to encourage people to exercise and to train for the Palestine marathon that the movement has established. Running is a worldwide connection and we believe it will bring more awareness worldwide about restrictions on Palestinian movement.
Their running focus on trails along the restriction zones in order to raise awareness of local and international communities about their inability to enjoy a normal life. The Movement’s short term objective is to keep holding training three times a week in the these three areas and encourage more people to join. On the long run, we hope to create more running communities that train together on a weekly basis to promote the Palestinian right to movement.