George Mansour is an activist in the disability rights movement in Palestine. He is a cofounder of QADER for Community Development; a pioneer Palestinian nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting better wellbeing of persons with disabilities (PwD) in Palestine. Shortly after establishment, George commenced his responsibilities as Executive Director at QADER.
Since Establishment in 2008, QADER introduced several innovative models for supporting the rights and inclusion of PwD in the Palestinian society, focusing on key thematic areas including, enhancing role and performance of relevant stakeholders (Universities, local authorities, civil society organizations) towards the inclusion of PwD, Enhancing commitment of official institutions towards supporting and fulfilling the rights of PwD, and enhancing the participation of PwD in economic and social life. Among those models; enhancing access and participation of PwD in higher education, supporting the participation of PwD in labor market and promoting the role of local authorities. Access and participation of PwD in labor market is a key cornerstone to their empowerment and active participation in social and economic life. To achieve this, two dimensional approach should be utilized. From one side, PwD should have access to educational and skills development programs. From another side, equitable opportunities in labor market for PwD should be ensured either through self-employment income generating projects or employment at private or public entities.
Up to now, more than 100 persons with disabilities, including women with disabilities and mothers of children with disabilities, were supported to join labor market through establishment of income generating projects or job placements. Besides that, George is a senior trainer in project management. He delivered many training courses and workshops to hundreds of young males and females.