Elida Zaghmout is the first Palestinian Kids Yoga certified teacher and a co-founder of Beit Ashams, which is a non-profit community center based in Beit Jala. Beit ashams is becoming a community of all ages including kids, teens, women/pregnant women, men and the elderly. Beit Ashams aspires to become a safe and hopeful community to hundreds of people in Palestine that believes in peace, justice and equality through unique and innovative tools like Yoga, Meditation, Women Circles, Aikido, a bookclub, Deep Relaxation Sessions and healig through Music, Arts and Movements. “Kids of Music” is a unique and important program Beit Ashams runs, a program that integrates kids with special needs, mainly children with Down Syndrome, with other kids.
Elida and her community center have become a go-to-destination by many people who are seeking inner peace, love and bliss. Through helping people embark on a journey of self-discovery that will help people accept themselves and lead to accepting others and become more active in creating a new and better future in their homeland.