Abdelfattah Abusrour is an initiator of the Beautiful Resistance philosophy against the ugliness of occupation, violence and violation of human rights and values. Through performing and visual arts, Abdelfattah builds on the concept of a non-violent approach based on Palestinian community needs and with focus on children, youth and women. The aim is to create capacities in culture, arts and education and help build the peace within as a step to be able to build the peace with others, in an approach based on human rights and values.
Abdelfattah founded the Alrowwad Cultural and Theatre Training Center in 1998 which operates in the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem, Palestine. He pioneered different programs through the Center: a supportive education program for children who have difficulties in learning, the first mobile Beautiful Resistance Training Program (through performing and visual arts), libraries of games in different refugee camps and villages in marginalized areas, First Images for Life (a program allowing someone to narrate one’s own version of his/her story and history), the first Palestinian Folktale Festival, the Outdoor Film Festival in the Aida refugee camp, Sports for Social Change Program for females in a refugee camp and an University Student fund.
Every year, Alrowwad’s activities benefit between 12,000-16,000 people in Palestine, in addition to international performing tours in Europe and USA to build partnerships and create a culture where youth can look at each other as potential partners and not as potential enemies.