Ayman Sabae’s idea originates from the lack of public trust in the current healthcare system in Egypt. The absence of a satisfactory remedy to health risks in different communities in Egypt is not his concern alone, but one that is shared by many Egyptians. Ayman is particularly focused on geographic and financial accessibility to quality healthcare among uninsured individuals, low income populations, the informal sector, and people living in geographically remote areas. Shamseya seeks the creation of a dynamic, community based healthcare system that allows equitable access to a comprehensive health insurance package that is owned and monitored by the people themselves.
He believes that the sustainability of any healthcare system reform effort relies on ensuring full community engagement and participation in the design, implementation and monitoring of the healthcare system.
One of the main tools developed for this purpose is the community-monitoring tool of health services quality provided in hospitals. This component is currently up and running on the www.eghospitals.com portal. This online platform is a monitoring tool providing valuable community assessment data for a growing number of hospitals across Egypt, helping people becoming an integral part in the good governance of the healthcare sector and in insurance social accountability of service providers. Another tool being developed, is the organization of communities with shared healthcare needed, into self-managed health cooperatives, enabling uninsured families and disadvantaged people to become owners of their own health insurance plans.