University for a Night 2012
University for a Night 2012
University for a Night 2012 brought together more than 300 participants from more than 20 countries to share ideas and inspiration about systemic solutions to poverty and other complex problems.
Following an opening reception, the evening began with presentation of the David Rockefeller Bridging Leadership Award to President Bill Clinton, Founder of the William J. Clinton Foundation and 42nd President of the United States. President Clinton then delivered remarks (see video highlights).
Following a musical performance by Michael Quattrone and Krista Smith, Synergos’ Founder Peggy Dulany shared her perspectives on Synergos’ work and why that work is important. She used the ocassion to announce the launch of a 25th Anniversary Campaign, which she will Chair together with Kim Samuel-Johnson. David Rockefeller and John C. Whitehead have agreed to serve as Honorary Co-Chairs of this campaign.
Peggy also shared with participants a paper, Approaching the Heart of the Matter, on her experience and learning in Synergos’ first 25 years.
University for a Night concluded with table discussions led by our Distinguished Faculty -- leaders and experts from around the world the world.
We thank all participants, sponsors and supporters, President Clinton, and David Rockefeller for helping make the event a success.
Major Synergos Sponsors
Changemakers |
Champions |
Partners |
Collaborators |
Supporters |
Table Discussion Topics & Distinguished Faculty
1 | Partnerships to improve global health Kanika Bahl, Principal and Managing Director, Results for Development Richard Deckelbaum, Director of the Institute of Human Nutrition, Columbia University |
2 | Partnerships for food security, sustainable agriculture, and improved nutrition Khalid Bomba, Chief Executive Officer, Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency |
3 | Partnerships for food security, sustainable agriculture, and improved nutrition Bob Dandrew, Director, Local Economies Project, The New World Foundation |
4 | Supporting women and girls as catalysts for change Maria Paula Carvajal |
5 | Supporting women and girls as catalysts for change Judith Bruce, Senior Associate and Policy Analyst, Population Council |
6 | Supporting broad-based development in Latin America Daniel Domagala, Director, Synergos |
7 | Ensuring equitable economic growth - Focus on Africa Achmat Dangor, Chief Executive Officer, Nelson Mandela Foundation Len le Roux, Senior Director, The Synergos Institute |
8 | Ensuring equitable economic growth - Focus on Africa Donna Katzin, Founding Executive Director, Shared Interest Mora McLean, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Africa-America Institute |
9 | Collaboration to protect the environment, address climate change, and promote local economic development Stephen Mills, Director, U.S., Green Belt Movement Tensie Whelan, President, Rainforest Alliance |
10 | Collaboration to protect the environment, address climate change, and promote local economic development David Winder, CEO, WaterAid America Ana Paula Tavares, Executive Vice President, Rainforest Alliance |
11 | Getting kids started right - Innovations in early childhood Solome Lemma, Program Advisor, The Global Fund for Children |
12 | Transforming Education Beth Cohen, Teach for America |
13 | The power of creativity in overcoming global poverty Diego Zavaleta, Research Officer, Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative |
14 | New directions in philanthropy Peggy Dulany, Founder and Chair, Synergos |
15 | Creating more equitable, stable societies in the Middle East Ronald Bruder, Founder and Chair, Education for Employment Foundation |
16 | Exploring the Millennium Development Goals health alliance James Brasher, Senior Partner, Project Resource Group |
17 | Philanthropy’s role in stopping human trafficking Katie Ford |
18 | Growing philanthropy and strengthening civil society in East and Southeast Asia Yimei Chen, Independent Consultant on China Philanthropy |
19 | Personal leadership for social change Hylke Faber, Partner, Co-Creation Partners |
20 | Personal leadership for social change Tony Weller, The Giift |
21 | Impact Investing: Investing for social and financial returns Nili Gilbert, Co-Founder, Matarin Capital Management |
22 | Impact Investing: Investing for social and financial returns Joyce Haboucha, Managing Director, Director of Socially Responsive Investments , Rockefeller Financial |
23 | Impact Investing: Investing for social and financial returns Joshua Mailman, Serious Change |
24 | New directions in philanthropy Adele S. Simmons, President, Global Philanthropy Partnership |
25 | Nonprofit excellence - Increasing impact and transparency David Bonbright, Founder and Chief Executive, Keystone Jerry Hirsch, Chairman, The Lodestar Foundation |
26 | Next generation for social change Denise Tollinche, Manager, Synergos |
27 | Private sector and global development John Heller, Senior Strategy & Partnerships Consultant, Synergos |