Learning from the Pact for Education in Pará - Brazil

From 2012 to 2017, Synergos worked with the government of Pará, Brazil on the Pacto pela Educação do Pará - a multi-stakeholder partnership to improve education in that state. Synergos served as a backbone organization of the partnership: mobilizing new partners for common agenda, supporting selection and implementation of strategic projects, maintaining continuous communication among the partners, organizing events that build momentum, and promoting use of evaluation data in decision-making.

Below is collected learning about multistakeholder partnerships from that experience and other sources, as well as a report on the process and outcomes of the Pacto as a whole.


Collaborative Strategies for Complex Social Problems: A Guide to Multi-Sector Partnerships

Colaborar é Preciso: Um Guia para Parcerias Multissetoriais


Pact for Education in Pará - Brazil: Report and Evaluation 2012 to 2017

Pacto pela Educação do Pará - Brasil: Relato é Avaliação 2012 a 2017