Hearth Project

Hearth.net community platform is based on a principle of gift exchange. Members can offer whatever they want to give away for free and at the same time ask for what they are missing. It is aimed for people who do not enjoy accumulating goods anymore, rather they want to do something more meaningful and they are aware that giving makes others as well as themselves happier and more content.

People participating in this community platform often consider giving a natural step in life. They are not necessarily people who have a lot of money and thus give away, rather they recognize the shared economy principles and know that giving things to others brings greater pleasure than selling used goods to a bazaar for small money. The project aims to change the general expectance of money for something we give and teach us that giving to someone might be an investment for the future.

Without money

Hearth.net was established after the global financial crisis that caused a loss of jobs to many people. You can offer free stuff you     don´t need anymore or even a free service – helping someone with babysitting, building a house, or you can also lend something that you owe and will need again in future. Free giving on this social network is considered as another step in life, it is not meant to substitute the primitive societies.