Participants in change lab session for Bhavishya Alliance


In 2006, Synergos helped create the Bhavishya Alliance a five-year effort with UNICEF, Indian and international businesses, government agencies, local nonprofit organizations, and others to prototype innovations for child nutrition in both rural and urban settings in the state of Maharashtra.

For five years the Bhavishya Alliance’s programs directly improved nutrition as well as raised the ability of girls to be change agents in their families and communities. This unique, multi-stakeholder partnership:

  • Contributed to reduction in stunting, the main manifestation of under-nutrition, with researching finding that stunting among children under two in Maharastra fell from 39% to 23% over the approximate time period of the partnership
  • Shifted stakeholder engagement practices within partner organizations, making them more capable of cooperating with other organizations and listening to the voices from poor and marginalized communities.

See Bhavishya Alliance: A Partnership for Child Nutrition for details on how the partnership achieved this impact.

Today, Synergos’ focus in India is on philanthropy as an approach for positive change through work with members of our global network and other partners.