Shifting Food Systems
Shifting Food Systems
Complex social challenges, like shifting global food systems, demand innovative solutions beyond the reach of any single organization. Collaboration is the key to meaningful progress and achieving collaboration between diverse stakeholders and impacted communities requires shared understanding and trust.
Since 2017 Synergos has convened and engaged a collaborative community of global leaders from the philanthropic, community, business and government sectors around the topic of how to Shift Food Systems. Synergos also works on the ground transforming agriculture systems to improve the lives of smallholder farmers in Nigeria and Ethiopia.
In 2024 Synergos launched, in partnership with TPC, Stone Barns and A Growing Culture, the Peer Learning & Collective Action Project on Shifting Food Systems, which is expected to catalyze systemic shifts and create new insights and actions that will increase the scale, sustainability and impact of smallholder farming. A committed group of funders and practitioners will be taken through a facilitated Bridging Leadership process that is proven to create significant and lasting change.
For more information contact Melissa Durda, Senior Director, Bridging Leadership at mdurda@synergos.org.
2025 Learning Journey & Collective Action Project
To kick off our 2025 Learning Journey, our group came together for a dynamic and thought-provoking session, where we dove into the complexities of food systems. This workshop was designed to uncover our current understanding, challenge existing assumptions, and set a foundation for learning and growth throughout the Journey.
The question of how to feed the world in the face of so many intersecting crises commands policy-making spaces, news headlines, and research. Our global food system is most often framed as a singular, complicated, monolithic entity. But in reality, food systems are a mosaic of countless territories, economies, communities, and cultures. To begin to imagine new possibilities, we must first confront the centralization that has come to dominate both food systems and the ways we think about them.
March 4, 2025
No matter our differences — religions, political orientations, backgrounds — we all eat. This session focuses on food as a reflection of culture, identity, and stories. Participants will explore the ways food is embedded in cultural practices, values, and traditions, and how dominant narratives often erase the human side of food systems by prioritizing data-driven and development-focused approaches.
March 18, 2025
This will be our first facilitated space for learning and exchange within our community, where members will share knowledge and ideas, connect to each other deeply and inspire collective action.
April 1, 2025
This session explores the distinctions between food sovereignty and food security and introduces participants to frameworks for understanding how we arrived at the current global food system and where we go from here. The focus will be on power imbalances, corporate consolidation, and why justice—not simply technological or scalable solutions—is central to sustainability.
April 15, 2025
This will be our facilitated space for learning and exchange within our community where members will share knowledge and ideas, connect to each other deeply and and inspire collective action.
April 29, 2025
It’s easy to think that the problems we face in agriculture are too complex to address, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Many of the solutions are already being practiced around the world — there just isn’t enough institutional support and too many roadblocks for them to thrive. Instead of finding ever-newer and shinier solutions, how can we reorient ourselves to building a culture of support for those who are already doing the work to transform our food system?
May 20, 2025
This will be our facilitated space for learning and exchange within our community where members will share knowledge and ideas, connect to each other deeply and and inspire collective action.
June 3, 2025
We often think that the “right” solutions in agriculture can be found through the numbers, through looking at the right data. But which solutions we opt for depends far more on values than we often care to admit. Sometimes it takes unlearning the ways in which we were taught to see the problem in order to allow space for creative solutions to emerge.
June 17, 2025
This will be our facilitated space for learning and exchange within our community where members will share knowledge and ideas, connect to each other deeply and and inspire collective action.
July 1, 2025
The systems currently draining all life on Earth are based around simple, transactional, extractive relationships. The shift towards life-centric systems means regrowing a complex web of balanced, reciprocal, liberatory relationships — with one another and with all beings. Agroecology is a pathway to do exactly this. What does agroecology look like in practice? And how does it mean different things for different people?
July 15, 2025
This will be our facilitated space for learning and exchange within our community, where members will share knowledge and ideas, connect to each other deeply and and inspire collective action.
September 2, 2025
The dominant culture — of competition and polarization — has eroded faith in our ability to build bridges across sectors. To grow the conditions for deep, lasting change, we must find common ground between civil society, the private sector, and government. How can we cultivate partnerships that recognize shared values while honoring differences? How can we confront pressing problems while working at the speed of trust? How can we make rooms for healing within spaces that don’t value it?
September 16, 2025
This will be our facilitated space for learning and exchange within our community, where members will share knowledge and ideas, connect to each other deeply and and inspire collective action.
October 7, 2025
We are frequently told that it’s only possible for “producers” or “consumers” to be adequately supported — that our survival is contingent on a mentality of scarcity. But around the world, we can find models of communities cultivating abundance through reciprocal systems of care. However, it’s not enough just to create these systems — we must also create the infrastructure needed to incentivize and support their sustenance.
October 21, 2025
This will be our facilitated space for learning and exchange within our community, where members will share knowledge and ideas, connect to each other deeply and and inspire collective action.
November 4, 2025
There is immense potential for philanthropic communities to support and nourish grassroots movements. Between these two spaces lies vastly different histories, contexts, and understandings of time. How can we move beyond the limitations of short-term funding cycles to create intergenerational relationships of nourishment? How can we relinquish the need for ownership over initiatives and create the conditions for them to evolve and reproduce?
November 18, 2025
This will be our facilitated space for learning and exchange within our community, where members will share knowledge and ideas, connect to each other deeply and and inspire collective action.
Steering Committee
The group is governed by a Steering Committee, which informs its strategic direction and vision.