
Authentic Leadership Immersion

Inner Transformation for Outer Change 

26-29 October, 2023  •  Home of the Pioneers of Our Time  •  Spanish Pyrenees

“Outer changes always begin with an inner change of attitude.”
— Albert Einstein 

Taking an intentional pause from our routine allows us to create the conditions for our inner clarity to arise and guide us to show up to our commitments more thoughtfully and purposefully.

This is an invitation for rising leaders devoting their resources and talents to create meaningful change in the world; and who understand the importance of wielding power and influence responsibly and with integrity.

This immersion offers an opportunity to engage deeply with yourself (body, mind, and spirit), connect and build trusting relationships with others and discover collaborative opportunities to amplify our missions. Our programming will explore how authentic leadership can help us bridge divides and create regenerative and equitable futures in service of life. Presence, playfulness, and curiosity are the anchors of our shared experience.

ConversationTogether, we will explore the following inquiries:

  • How do I use my resources and talents to serve the whole with integrity?
  • What legacy do I want to leave behind?
  • What leadership skills are needed to address complex problems in our interconnected world?

The Home of the Pioneers of Our Time is hidden in the foothills of the Spanish Pyrenees. It offers a unique environment for revitalization, deeply connecting with nature, and nurturing relationships.

The Home was founded by Stef Van Dongen, a serial social entrepreneur who wants to fulfill his dream of designing a holistic lifestyle for mankind, flora, and fauna. His latest project is the regeneration of the Muga Valley in the Spanish Pyrenees by uniting local government, science, business, and civil society in The Muga Valley Partnership. The Home is situated 25 min from the Figueres Vilafant international train station (50 minutes from Barcelona, 5 hours from Paris).

This event is offered in collaboration with Nexus

Cost & Registration

Please note there are two types of participant fees: 

  • Philanthropist/Standard participation: $1,200 per person.
  • Non-Profit/Social Enterprise participation: $800 per person.

Fees include accommodation for 3 nights, meals, group bus service.


For More Information

Please contact Joanna Safarik at jsafarik@synergos.org.

Our Program

Thursday, 26 October
2:00PM       Shuttle from Barcelona airport
4:00PM Arrivals
  Afternoon Session: Welcome and Orientation
7:00PM Dinner
  Evening Session: Opening Ceremony - Grounding & Intentions

Friday, 27 October
8:00AM Morning Practice
9:00AM Breakfast
  Morning Session: Landing in Self and the Environment
1:00PM Lunch
  Afternoon Session: Exploring our Inner Landscape
7:00PM Dinner
  Evening Session: Circle Work - Surfacing Inner Obstacles

Saturday, 28 October
8:00AM Morning Practice
9:00AM Breakfast
  Morning Session: Embodying Authentic Leadership to Create Regenerative Futures
1:00PM Lunch
  Afternoon Session: Visit to Regenerative Farm - Stewarding a Vision in Service of Life
7:00PM Dinner
  Evening Session: Play and Celebration

Sunday, 29 October
8:00AM Morning Practice
9:00AM Breakfast
  Morning Session: Closing Ceremony: Integration & Commitments
11:00AM Departures

Our Facilitators

Pascale Terra Déau is a transformational guide supporting humans to birth new visions and systems in service of a more prosperous, equitable, healthy, and regenerative world. She is also the founder of Haumea, a consultancy focused on transforming the workplace into a place of wellness. She holds a Master’s in Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies and a Master’s in Sustainability Management from Columbia University. Her practice connects the healing arts and systems thinking, the personal and the collective, and inner and outer work. For the last eight years, she has designed and facilitated transformative experiences that foster curiosity, awareness, authenticity, and connection for individuals and mission-driven organizations, including NEXUS, Family Office Association, and the Terran Collective. In 2020, she co-founded a family foundation, Archery Foundation, focused on helping young leaders from disadvantaged French neighborhoods realize their ambitions and dreams. With her presence, Pascale invites people to step into their authentic power with playfulness and depth. 

Melissa Durda is a certified holistic life coach and Senior Director, Bridging Leadership at Synergos, a global nonprofit organization that brings people together to help solve complex issues around the world by advancing bridging leadership, which builds trust and collective action. Melissa also oversees the Synergos Spiritual Civilization Collaborative Community, where leaders in philanthropy explore the intersection of philanthropy, contemplative practices, self-reflection and spirituality. This program supports members of the Global Philanthropists Circle. Melissa hosts the Synergos Cultivate the Soul: Stories of Purpose-driven Philanthropy podcast, where leaders in philanthropy discuss how they are connecting inner work to outer action and the impact this creates for change. Melissa has a MSc. in European Political Economy: Transition from the London School of Economics and a BA in International Relations from the University of Virginia. She leads a Learning Community for the Inner MBA program. 

Our Host

''Stef van Dongen is an innovator and entrepreneur. He has over 20 years of experience in the impact sector and is known for his innovative work in this space. In 2002 he founded the social enterprise group Enviu, believing that entrepreneurs can play a major role in solving the world’s biggest challenges. Stef founded Pioneers of Our Time, which invites investors and philanthropists to join or co-create projects in climate action, biodiversity and land and forest regeneration, and sustainable real estate.Stef was awarded the lifetime achievement “Radical Innovators” award from Vrij Nederland Magazine. He is a distinguished Alumni of the Rotterdam School of Management, where he did his Master's with a focus on Global Business Society Management. Stef is a passionate Chairman for NEXUS Europe and a board member and advisor of several social enterprises, HNW individuals, and innovation networks.