Funding from a Place of Trust
Funding from a Place of Trust
Exploring the value of general operating support and capacity building grants
Commissioned by the Citi Foundation and prepared by Synergos
Report launch webinar • Wednesday, May 6, 2020
As underscored by the Covid-19 health crisis, the value of flexible funding for strengthening nonprofits and powering their vital work is increasingly clear. Yet too many funders still hesitate to act on this information.
This new report Funding from a Place of Trust: Exploring the value of general operating support and capacity building grants offers a sound starting place for any foundation, philanthropist, or impact investor who wants to better understand the benefits of flexible funding and the vital considerations for doing it well. At its center is the essential concept of a trust-based relationship. The report was commissioned by the Citi Foundation and prepared by Synergos.
This report launch webinar shared highlights of the research, together with remarks from funders and grantees who are leading the way in utilizing general operating support and capacity building. Organizations represented included:
- Organization for Community Development
- Whatcom Community Foundation
- Global Fund for Children
- Career Ready UK
Report commissioned by |
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Photo credit: Joop Reubens, Firelight Foundation
This event was part of a series of virtual convenings held by Synergos throughout 2020. For more information, visit www.synergos.org/experiences.