Senior Fellows
Senior Fellows
The Senior Fellows Network is comprised of distinguished international civil society leaders committed to collaborative efforts that address the underlying causes of poverty and inequity.
Launched in 1999, the Senior Fellows program links extraordinary civil society leaders in a worldwide learning, service and action network. The network aims to strengthen the capacity and opportunities for these leaders to be catalysts and play a major role in partnerships that address the systemic causes of poverty and promote sustainable social change.
Through the three-year fellowship, Fellows have the opportunity to enhance their skills, knowledge, and experience through peer-to-peer learning, annual and regional meetings, learning journeys, workshops, and contact with eminent persons. They exchange innovative ideas, models, and tools in the development field, which Synergos distributes to a wider audience. The Fellows also have opportunities to connect and collaborate with other distinguished change makers in the development field aligned with Synergos, including philanthropists and foundations, non-governmental organizations, businesses, governments, global institutions and academics.
Who Are the Senior Fellows?
Senior Fellows are individuals who:
- Demonstrate a commitment to changing the systems that perpetuate poverty and social injustice.
- Possess a compelling vision about solving complex, systemic problems of poverty, inequity and social injustice.
- Are leaders who believe in the power of partnerships and exhibit that belief in the way they conduct their work.
- Recognize the importance of tapping the wisdom, knowledge, views, and experience of all stakeholders in identifying and solving problems.
- Are viewed as a respected leader and advocate by those who are poor and/or marginalized.